Doubly Linked List

In the previous post, we talked about what data structures are. We learned that a linked list is a type of data structure, and we learned why they were important. We particularly looked at singly linked lists as a type of linked list, and we saw some of its usage and operations. Even though singly linked lists have their use in the real world, chances are you will find doubly linked lists easier to implement, more practical and have more real world use. One issue you might have noticed with singly linked lists is that it only has a reference to the next node (or next pointer). This makes it harder to find what the previous node is. We had to write some pretty length code just to find the previous node. The doubly linked list is a type of linked list that has a next and previous properties on the node (pointers), making it very easy to enumerate the node collections in any direction (forwards or backwards). This means we can navigate in both directions. Let us start from the top. Imagine you have a node collection with one node ( like we did from the previous post) Read More

Singly Linked List

This is going to be the first post in a series called “javascript data structures and algorithms”. I plan to cover most of the algorithms found in computer science classes, using javascript as a language of choice. This is no easy feat to take on, but it is a goal i have set. It may take a while to complete as i have a full time job, but i will do my best. I do not consider myself an expert on the subject matter, so kindly advise if you ever think something can be coded in a much more efficient way. The only reason i write this post, like all other posts, is to get a better understanding of the subject matter. If you think you have master anything, teach it so others can validate it. We start our journey with linked lists, particularly singly linked list. Lets go! Read More

Call, Apply and Bind

Call, Apply and Bind seems to come across as mysterious for many javascript developers. I know it did for me in my early years. Even till today, i come across senior developers who (for lack of a better understanding) try to avoid using these methods all together. Call, Apply and Bind, have everything to do with the this keyword in javascript. Yet another confusing topic in javascript. Since this post is not about understanding the this keyword, i will assume that you understand the idea of this in javascript (Or maybe i should write a post about this in the future). In a nutshell, this points to either the global object OR the object that contains the function that is called(this always refers to an object). this can be unpredictable, unless you truly understand it. If we want to control what the this points to in javascript, Call, Apply and Bind can be shining stars.

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